Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Should Send this to Barack

Dear Senator Barack Obama,

Your message has been one literally of "change." You have sparked hope in the heart of millions of Americans. You have also spoken of unity. You said in your keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention "There's not a black America, and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America."

But what about Puerto Rico? Mr. Obama, there is a Latino America, and it is Puerto Rico. This is a territory that has been lost along the way. You don't hear too much from the Virgin Islands or Guam,smaller tourist / naval bases, but Puerto Rico is a territory of 3.8 million American citizens. Or to put it this way - 3.8 million American citizens that are prohibited from voting.

We can not just let it sit here in this confused hybrid-like state. The Commonwealth was meant to be a transition, not permanent. The Puerto Ricans deserve better. Consider this, 48,000 Puerto Ricans served in the Vietnam War, 345 of them died. Puerto Ricans were silenced from voting throughout this entire controversial period (not to mention every other war we've fought since 1898).

After the womens and civil rights movements one would believe everything is square, right? However as of today, sadly in 2008, 3.8 million Americans do not have the right to vote. Where is the sanity in that?

Mr. Obama I am an avid fan of yours, so if you truly speak of these things "Hope, Change, Unity" this must be high on your list of priorities. Fix Puerto Rico. You said the Puerto Ricans should decide their destiny, I agree with you, but interest has to come from your part too. Lets give Puerto Rico their deserved freedom or their chance to vote in their own democracy.

Thank you for your time.

From Hatillo, Puerto Rico

Andrew Howard


Unknown said...

La carta esta muy buena, pero yo francamente pienso que eres de los pocos gringos que realmente le interesa este tema. Tienes una mente abierta pero sin ofender en USA hay muchas personas que no ven mas alla de sus narices y no les interesa lo que pasa fuera de su pais.

Matt said...

okay dude. they are going to put you on the watch list after this stuff...

on a separate note