Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Trying to Understand Being Popular

I have enjoyed writing my blogs because it gives me the opportunity to see how I have changed the ways in which I think and feel about Puerto Rico. However there is one thing that still intrigues me everyday. That is the Partido Popular Democrático, los populares.

It is easy for someone, including myself, to come in here and take a look at this party and say "They support their colonial status." But after I did some studying on the PPD I discovered that this party was monumental for the island. This was the party that established the Estado Libre Asociado, the Commonwealth.

1952 was the inaugural year of the Commonwealth. The Puerto Ricans were given the right to pen their own constitution. This document gave them the right to vote for their own governor. Prior to 1952, Puerto Ricans were appointed a governor, and everything was directed from Washington.

Essentially, the Estado Libre Asociado was a huge step. Now with their own constitution they were able to limit the instruction of English and place emphasis on their native language (Before 1952 many American born teachers were here on the island and English was the official language, but the PPD promoted Spanish and almost all American teachers returned to the states). Today, students are obligated to take English in public school, but just one class a day.

Hence, the Puerto Ricans could elect their own governor, and speak their own language. This was a complement to their already present American citizenship, as well as a heavily US subsided economy - life was looking much better. They were able to reap the benefits of being a state while still being a different entity.

Gary Voight, author of "Isla Verde," is an American who lived in PR for 26 years said Puerto Rico was the first colony to abuse it's colonizer. That statement is extraordinary. I think it is a fascinating way to describe the US/PR relationship.

For the most part I think its true. I think that is why the PPD still continues to be a driving force on the island. It seems to be a sense of pride for them. Because here are some of the main arguments that I hear frequently from los Populares:
1. I like having our own team in the Olympics.
2. I like having our own flag.
3. Spanish is the language of our parents.
4. We aren't completely assimilated to the United States.

But here is where I don't understand the PPD. I wouldn't be so concerned about being completely assimilated into the US, its too late. Look around, this really cannot get any more Americanized. Wendy's, Subway, Quizno's, McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and Leeann Chin's sprinkle the highways. Huge malls identical to the US which feature stores such as: JC Penny, Sears, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Walgreen's and Sam's Club. Or the fact that I turn on my tv and my cable is all from the US, with a few Spanish channels here and there. Sadly, all this stuff, mostly crappy American food and huge department stores, make you feel awkwardly at home.

To also have the opportunity to live here during an election year has been nothing but a learning experience. As I have previously mentioned June 1st will be the Democratic Primary. Just now is propaganda for both candidates going up. In San Juan there are two huge Obama posters that stretch across a building and a parking ramp that say "Puerto Rico con Obama" and little signs in yards that read "Puertorriqueños con Hillary." It just doesn't make sense how we can ask for their participation in the nominee process but ignore it in a general election. Voting in the primaries is like a consolation prize. There is some moral victory but in the end you're still losing. Therefore those arguments mentioned by los populares do not carry much weight. Puerto Rico is being severely limited and it seems to be the people just continue on day to day in this semi-satisfied static state of mind.

To sum it up, it is impressive for Puerto Rico to hold on to their language, music, and food without being "completely assimilated" into the US. But I don't think turning it into a state would change much at all. The Spanish could be retained, as it would be a violation of the first amendment. The time is near for Puerto Rico to be given a path to independence or a plan for statehood. So PPD don't be afraid of assimilating, give your people their the chance to be a sovereign nation. Or the chance to be heard in their country.

Thank you for reading.

*Clarification, The Puerto Ricans right to elect their Governor was acquired in 1947 and has nothing to do with the constitutional changes in 1952 . The real political status change was in 1947...excuse me.


Unknown said...

Andrew me parece que hiciste un perfecto analisis. Probablemente si sigues escribiendo puedas convencer a algunos. Ya las personas en P.R estan mejor educadas y el fanatismo de antes esta disminuyendo.

Unknown said...

Este blog está muy bueno. Me gusta la forma en que este caballero ve las cosas. Y creo que tienes razón. No importa lo que elijamos sea estadidad o independencia, seguiremos siendo nosotros. No sé cual es el miedo de la gente de elegir una cosa o la otra. Creo que se debe a la desinformación que fomentan los partidos. A propósito, hoy ví en TV una entrevista que le hizo un periodista de WAPA a Hillary y ella dice que no está de acuerdo con el reporte del "Task Force" de Casablanca. Ella dice que no somos colonia pero reconoce que debemos tener el derecho de elegir al presidente. ¿No es eso una contradicción? En mi opinión es una manera implícita de admitir que estamos subordinados pero tiene miedo de usar la palabra "colonia".

Sean said...


Thanks for reading my blog! I know little about Puerto Rico, and I need to know everything I can, so I'll be reading often. You guys (P.R) figured into the election more than usual this time around, no (also are you a resident of PR--meaning you are not able to vote in the general election--or is it via absentee)? Part of me wishes I was still in St. Paul to see our man Obama speak tonight, but hell I need to start this journalism thing, and that's what Kentucky's for. Anyway, I look forward to reading more.

Ligia said...


I believe you give too much credit to the populares and their "achievement" of doing anything. The Popular democratic party is an embarrassment to Puerto Rico. First, Munoz Marin pretended to get all these benefits for PR as if they were his idea, and yet these were the benefits that came along with being a Colony. He was the first one who had the opportunity to decide whether we could become a state or become independent and he 'freaked out" at the idea of choosing, therefore perpetuating the colonial status.
Los Populares use the "Fear Technique" and instill values into people who are ridiculous. For example, we could still have our flag whether we were independent or a state. Every State has its own flag doesn't it? What good does an olympic gold medal do for the people who are unemployed, or hungry or for those who do not have medical insurance?
Los "populares" just divert people from the real problems and create their own little "drama".

If Munoz Marin would have had the guts, today we would not be discussing the never-ending status issue.

As for the pride to take from the US government and yet not be a state...It's a shame, not a pride. People with moral values are not the kind of people who would be proud of taking 'advantage' or taking things from others. It's a shame it what it is.

Politics in Puetro Rico are the national sport. It's ridiculous. All the arguing and no action. The government even had to close its's offices last Summer for lack of money? And then they still talk about keeping the flag, olympic team, and beauty queens?

It's Outrageous!!



Puerto Ricans, whether they are called Independents (independentistas), Patriots or Nationalists or Freemen, who desire to be free, must always know that the federal government, here in the States has no “subject matter jurisdiction” over the person, case or location and should be challenged to proof it. These are magic words to learn when in Federal Court for desiring freedom for your/our Country.

You won’t be told this in court but: All jury members, judges, attorneys, and employees working in federal court, must reside in federal territory to legally be a federal juror or touch your case or they can be commercially sued, disbarred and financially ruined for violating your constitutional rights etc.

Your God given right to be free is not wanted by the USA, it will oppose your desire for independence and freedom, because the Federal USA is a profit based Corporation.

The Federal Government is a District of Columbia “Corporation”, as are all the States of the USA. What you know of as the USA, is NOT a Republic, but a multi-based Corporation acting as a Country. These Corporations were formed for the benefit of the real owners. Since June of 1933, everything since then, is under Contract law or commercial law, aka Admiralty law, to benefit your masters in power.

The Federal Government owns Puerto Rico as an ASSET, because it is a slave colony—whether you like the idea or not. But the Federal Government takes orders from those who own and run this (Corporation) Country, but are not of this country. The International Bankers, who really own the corporations called the USA and also the Federal Reserve, will let the slaves of PR be free, only if enough real men of Boricua blood wish to be free, by reserving their rights under the Constitution. Their books will be adjusted and we will be free.

The answer to your freedom lies in your Constitutional rights --- To win --You must always reserve your constitutional, commercial rights and know what they are and how to do so.

A Puerto Rican without a desire for independence and/or freedom from alien control has no heart and soul of a man.

The fact that the public does not know that we are NOT free, makes no difference, to the desire to be free. The PR that wants Statehood is a Gringito, who has no soul of a man left in his traitor's heart. Freedom is happening all over the world and yet we allow Gringitos to kill our right to be free.

A Gringito is a non-Anglo THING, IT is not really a “person”, just like a mass murderer is more like an animal than a person, who internally is so inferior, that he desires to be what he can not be—thus Gringito means little gringo.

The Gringito is like an Uncle Tom to blacks or a collaborator and traitor to many others. To us he/she is all three and much worst. The “It or thing” I call Gringito, is the enemy of freedom -- all thru out HUMAN history.

We allow the Alien Invaders to kill, harm, abuse, rape, and scam us and yet the Gringito wants to give our Country away.

This abuse must end. No man or woman is a real Man or real woman who is too scared to fight for their souls and be free. If you listen to the Gringito, you will lose your soul.

Thru out eternity, humanity owes its freedom from slavery, ONLY TO BRAVE SOULS who fought and DIED for your right to be free.

The fight will NOT succeed if you don't fight the Gringito enemy/traitor/collaborator at home first. He is there next door and claims he is a real man and tries to give you many excuses of why PR can't be a free Country.

To give away your/our/my Country is not a right of alien invaders, visitors or foreigners with NO Puerto Rican Blood.

The right to vote on THIS ISSUE should NOT be given to NON-Puerto Ricans.

The fight for the independence of Puerto Rico is now non-violent and will be won in the hearts of real men around the World.

The Ronbothunter,

A proud freedom loving Puerto Rican.

All Rights Reserved

Ligia said...

Robothunder, Have you read "Se Acabo lo que se daba" ?

You should.

El ideal mas bello del mundo es la independencia. Esa libertad de saber por dentro que nadie te controla.

Ahora,no sera facil. Primero que nada hay que desaherse de los populetes. Pues ellos son los miedosos que no se deciden. Luego, los independentistas tendran que exponer sus puntos y plataformas CLARAMENTE para el el pueblo tenga la libertad de escojer su porvenir.

Es muy facil y bonito hablar de independecia como un ideal, como algo que sabes no va a ocurrir pues los porcentajes de votos en PR lo demuestran asi. (son la minoria). Asi cualquiera habla bellezas de la libertad. QUe le va a pasar a la clase media? QUien entonces va a tener el poder? El pueblo? Todos no podemos ser gobernantes....
Hay si fuera cierto....seria hermoso...sigh!
Pero cono despierta boricua ahora digo yo. SI la independencia ocurre en PR es porque los populetes con sus metidas de pata haran que los EU nos de una patada y nos deje al garete. Esa independencia impuesta NO ES LIBERTAD!!! Pues no es el pueblo quien la escoje....;

dolce-beat said...

Si los puertorriqueños quisieramos la Independencia el PIP (partido Independentista Puertorriqueño) no hubiese quedado sin inscripción para estas elecciones. Ilegalmente se volvieron a inscribir y se dice que sólo cuentan con un 3% de los electores (su base pura) para quedar inscritos.

Si eso no es un mensaje de que P.R. no apoya la separación, entonces, Qué es?
El PIP ha basado sus ideas en un Puerto Rico de 1930, la plataforma no evolucionó hasta a penas unos meses atrás. Rubén Berrios "se chupó" al partido, como está pasando ahora con otros candidatos en los otros partidos.

Mientras seamos colonia seguiremos en el mismo lugar. Mientras exista el Partido Popular Democrático no iremos a la vanguardia.

El PPD con el pasar de los años ha ido transformando su verdadero trasfondo. Ese partido ha ido perdiendo sus bases por el movimiento que exige una definición de estatus. Los puertorriqueños estamos cansados de la colonia y ese partido no ofrece opción para resolver el estatus, sino que ha sido el culpable del mismo.

Creo en la democracia y creo en la anexión. Es tiempo de que se nos haga justicia y la mayoría de los electores estamos inscritos en el PNP, lo cual significa que la mayoría de los puertorriqueños realmente apoyamos la anexión con los estados unidos.
De poner a P.R. a elegir entre Estadidad o Independecia estoy segura de que seremos el estado #51.